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How to stream challenging content



Phone streaming is currently the most common form of IRL. The following are my recommended software, configurations, and accessories to make your phone IRL stream shine.


What app should I use?

I try not to be biased, but Streamlabs is the best app right now for broadcasting to Twitch. It comes pre-configured for your chat, alerts, and logs. And luckily it works on both Android and iOS now, too.

Google Play Store Link

App Store Link



Recommended config

In my experience, it is better to prioritize a stable stream than good quality. With phone streaming, if you're relying on a single sim/modem, there is only one point of failure. If that drops, your stream goes offline and so does your momentum and attitude.

Here's my recommended specs for your first IRL stream:

  • 1280x720

  • 30fps

  • 1721kbps (Anything under 2mbps really)

If the stream is stable, and you're returning to that location for a second stream feel free to increase the bitrate and then maybe the framerate to 60fps.

If you get drops and your chat complains then go 360p and 1000kbps. This is still a watchable stream and a good place to start. If you have the cash, I'd also recommend doing research into other carriers that may serve the area you're in better.


Photo by chombosan/iStock / Getty Images

US Phone Carriers

After my own testing in running sims with the backpack and IRL'ers, this is the carrier breakdown from best coverage to worst in the United States.
Verizon > AT&T > T-Mobile > Sprint

This should change with the next generation of phones taking advantage of T-Mobile's newly acquired 600MHz spectrum.

If you're starting to encounter issues with throttling, I'd recommend UnlimitedIRL sims as they provide a true non-throttled pocket wifi plan vs going carrier direct.

Here's a link: Click Here (Offer Code: GUNRUN for a % off)

Red = Verizon, Blue = AT&T, Pink = T-Mobile, Yellow = Sprint

You can also use sites like to see if the area you want to stream in is good for your carrier.

Recommended Accessories


Micover Stickover-Mini Windscreens

These are the same windscreens I use on the backpack. When it's windy outside, the windscreens cover the microphone areas and diffuse the loud noise from reaching the stream, while still sounding great for anything else.

Just google where the microphones are located on your phone and place these windscreens over them.

Click here to buy via Amazon


Selfie Stick w/ integrated tripod stand

These are my favorite sticks for IRL. Being able to deploy it as a Tripod is my favorite feature, but it's also light weight and comes in at just $20 on AMZN.

Click here to buy via Amazon


Power Banks

Basically anything goes here, but I'm a fan of Anker so I'll link the one I use here at the bottom. Don't forget to charge them!

Click here to buy via Amazon